Facebook had a dilemma last week. A woman named Rebecca Gomperts, founder of Women on Waves, filed a complaint with Facebook. Women on Waves, in case you haven't heard of this group, is actually a ship--an abortion ship. Rebecca and her minions travel the world and park their abortion ship in international waters off the coasts of countries that have outlawed abortion. Then they recruit unsuspecting young women to come on board and kill their children.
That's not all though. Rebecca, a pro-abort to the core, used her Facebook profile picture to post instructions on how to commit a self-abortion. See, all you do is obtain an arthritis drug, misoprostol, also known as Cytotec, and just lie to the doctor and the pharmacy. It's illegal, but so what? Just tell them it's for your grandma's arthritis. Then you take it when you're all alone to kill your baby, and if you don't end up killing yourself with this thing, no one else has to find out. According to Rebecca, it's perfectly safe. So simple really. If it doesn't work, just go to the hospital and tell them you're having a miscarriage. No problem, right?
When this Abortion Queen posted this stupid picture, Facebook tried to take it down. But she complained and they caved immediately. They actually apologized for restricting people's "right" to self-abort with dangerous drugs obtained by committing a federal offense. To see a copy of the apology, as Ms. Gomperts bragged on her own website, click here. So now, any teenage girl can try to kill her baby in secret. That's real freedom, wouldn't you say? And we're all so proud of Facebook too.
Let's fix this. Go to Facebook, search for Rebecca Gomperts, and when you find her profile page, report it. Click on the Report/Block link on the lower left and select the option to report this page for illegal drug use.
For more information on the dangers of misoprostol as a medical abortion drug, read this blog by Moronic Prochoice Quotes, here.
Help us tell Facebook to get some guts and get rid of this page before babies and their teenage mothers both end up dead.
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