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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Pro-"Choice" is No Choice

If you haven't yet, you should read Abby Johnson's book, Unplanned.  She, like many in the abortion industry, believed abortion was acceptable before viability and considered herself "pro-choice."  One day in her clinic though, a woman who was 23 weeks pregnant came in insisting on having an abortion.  After trying to talk her out of it, Abby was forced to give this woman a referral to a clinic willing to do it.  The woman's excuse?  It didn't matter to her whether her baby was 2 weeks, 6 weeks, 23, or whatever.  She just was determined to get rid of her baby.  This abortion-minded mother understood completely the humanity of her child at every stage of development but didn't care at all. 

The viability argument, like the term, "pro-choice" is a clever slogan designed to get people to accept abortion on demand even if they know it's a baby being killed.  As Abby found out first-hand, the only thing the pro-abortion crowd cares about is the money to be made.  That's the only logic they ever apply consistently.

Please don't give those in the culture of death a pass by using the term "pro-choice."  There's no choice for the baby, no choice for people whose health is seriously compromised, and no choice for the elderly either.  It's always pro-death.   

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Company Matching Gifts to Planned Parenthood

We have been boycotting Levi's Strauss (including PiperLime, Banana Republic, Gap and Old Navy stores) for the last several years because they give grants to Planned Parenthood.  About two days ago, we heard an announcement on a pro-life news service that Levi's had stopped donating to PP, so we wrote them a quick thank you note. 

Today's reply:  "Levi's doesn't give them grants any more, but we do still match donations from our employees."  In other words, we pretend not to support PP and abortion unless someone really wants us to keep doing it. 

We're still boycotting Levi's.

Before you resume shopping at a store that says they've stopped supporting abortion, write them a thank you note or ask if they make matching gifts to PP.  If you think this sounds too strict and we should reward companies that only give small amounts, you've missed the point.  It's not the amount that matters.  Any amount given, even a dollar, means that Planned Parenthood can claim they have community support.  Don't let them get by with  it.

If you want to join the prolife boycott of companies who give money to support abortion and the culture of death, please visit the website of Life Decisions International at and purchase their boycott list. 

Keep praying and fighting!


Monday, September 19, 2011

Open Letter to Groups that Give to Planned Parenthood

Dear CEO,

I have been a regular and loyal customer of your business for the last several years. In fact, I preferred you over the competition because of your employees’ helpful attitude and knowledge of the products you sell. Unfortunately, however, I will no longer continue to do business with you and your corporation.

Let me explain further. I subscribe to a newsletter from a group who does research into the donation practices of businesses throughout the US, and they informed me that you have recently donated to Planned Parenthood. The group who gave me this information is Life Decisions International (

So that you know where your money is going, here are a few facts about Planned Parenthood.

1. PP commits more abortions than any other single entity in the United States.

2. 99% of all abortions involve dismembering a fully formed baby. Don't believe me? Read this description of abortion given in court testimony by the abortionists themselves:

First Trimester Suction Abortion
The physician will usually first notice a quantity of amniotic fluid, followed by placenta and fetal parts, which may be more or less identifiable." (From the medical textbook Abortion Practice – Dr. Warren Hern, p.114, in section on First Trimester Abortion).
“When we do a suction curettage abortion, you know, roughly one of three things is going to happen during the abortion. One would be that the catheter as it approaches the fetus, you know, tears it and kills it at that instant inside the uterus. The second would be that the fetus is small enough and the catheter is large enough that the fetus passes through the catheter and either dies in transit as it’s passing through the catheter or dies in the suction bottle after it’s actually all the way out.” (Sworn testimony given in US District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin (Madison, WI, May 27, 1999, Case No. 98-C-0305-S), by Dr. Martin Haskell, an abortionist. He describes legal activity.)
Question: Can the heart of a fetus or embryo still be beating during a suction curettage abortion as the fetus or embryo comes down the cannula? Answer: For a few seconds to a minute, yes.
(Sworn testimony given in US District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin (Madison, WI, May 27, 1999, Case No. 98-C-0305-S), by Dr. Harlan Raymond Giles, an abortionist. He describes legal activity.)

Second Trimester D&E Abortion
"The procedure changes significantly at 21 weeks because the fetal tissues become much more cohesive and difficult to dismember. This problem is accentuated by the fact that the fetal pelvis may be as much as 5cm in width. The calvaria [head] is no longer the principal problem; it can be collapsed. Other structures, such as the pelvis, present more difficulty….A long curved Mayo scissors may be necessary to decapitate and dismember the fetus…" (From the medical textbook Abortion Practice – Dr. Warren Hern, p.154).
“The doctor grips a fetal part with the forceps and pulls it back through the cervix and vagina, continuing to pull even after meeting resistance from the cervix. The friction causes the fetus to tear apart. For example, a leg might be ripped off the fetus as it is pulled through the cervix and out of the woman. The process of evacuating the fetus piece by piece continues until it has been completely re-moved.” (US Supreme Court, Gonzales vs. Carhart, April 18, 2007, describing the D&E procedure).

In addition to doing more abortions than any other organization, PP opposes banning abortion for any reason, including late-term abortions and those committed for "birth control" or "convenience." They insist on the "right" to commit an abortion on your minor daughter and/or give her birth control, even via invasive means such as injections, without your knowledge. And they fight all legislation that would require parental consent or notification.

Planned Parenthood would like you to think they are helping women and teenage girls in particular. But the truth is, their “services” are about only one thing--more and more abortion. As you may have heard on the news, in January 2011, Planned Parenthood was caught on video at least six times advising a pimp on how to cover up human trafficking of girls as young as fourteen. You can view the video footage of Planned Parenthood employees aiding and abetting child prostitution at:

For Planned Parenthood, this kind of cover-up for pimps and pedophiles is nothing new. As far back as 2002, Life Dynamics, Inc., caught over 800 Planned Parenthood clinics across the country advising a 13-year-old caller and her 22-year-old “boyfriend” about how to obtain illegal abortions to cover up the abusive relationship. You can read more details on Planned Parenthood’s willingness to aid and abet pedophiles at

In light of these revelations, aren’t you and your fellow executives embarrassed to be Planned Parenthood donors?

Please take the time to learn more about what Planned Parenthood is doing with your donations. After you do, I urge you to re-consider your decision to give any money, no matter how small the amount, to Planned Parenthood.

Until you withdraw your support of the world’s largest abortion business, my fellow pro-lifers and I will not do business with your company.

If you would like to respond, I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss Planned Parenthood’s actions further, and I will be happy to answer questions. I may be contacted at email address.


Please join me in writing to companies and asking them not to donate to Planned Parenthood. For a current list, go to           

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Who is doing embryonic stem cell research?

To my pro-life brothers and sisters,

I belong to a large church, and every few months, I see advertisements in our bulletin placed by families raising money to help cure diseases such as diabetes or cancer.  Although the intent of such fund raising is admirable, many people do not realize that too often, the money you raise is not being spent on legitimate medical research.  Rather, many of the largest and most well-known non-profit organizations are actually wasting your donations on human embryonic stem cell research.

So-called embryonic stem cell research is not research at all.  It is gravely evil because it always kills a living human embryo.  Scientists who promote embryo destruction claim that since some of the embryos created for use in fertility treatments and then frozen may never be implanted, they should be considered “left over.”  This convenient label is used to justify killing the tiniest babies to obtain their stem cells. 

In order to avoid funding the destruction of innocent human life, it is critical that before you begin a fund raising project, you learn as much as possible about how your donations will be spent.  Fortunately, this task is not difficult, thanks to the extensive investigations carried out by pro-life groups such as Life Decisions International.  LDI publishes a free report entitled “Organization Watch,” which lists the names of groups who are on record as supporting the destruction of human embryos.  To download a copy, visit LDI’s website at  

If you want to support truly life-saving research, you may also wish to consider donating to the John Paul II Stem Cell Research Institute.  Their mission is to conduct medical research that respects the dignity of all human life.  You can learn more about them by visiting their website at

Destroying even one embryo for the sake of medical research can never be justified.  There is no such thing as a left over human being.
